Teacher Laurie Kahiapo Endorses Gary Cordery For Governor

Today, Republican candidate for Governor of Hawaiʻi, Gary Cordery, a successful businessman and entrepreneur, was endorsed by elementary and secondary school teacher, Laurie Kahiapo.
Laurie Kahiapo works with elementary and secondary schools as a Culture/ʻĀina-Based Program Coordinator and Assistant Trainer. For 10 years, she worked with students at Blanche Pope Elementary School, using gardening as a means to teach about Hawaiian culture and values. She assists in developing and implementing Hawaiian culture and values-based curriculum state-wide, with a goal of helping keiki prepare for their future with a sense of resiliency and purpose.
Laurie’s husband, Kawika Kahiapo, has been a professional musician since he was a teen, having won multiple Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards, and is also on a Grammy Award-winning album.
Laurie’s husband, Kawika Kahiapo, has been a professional musician since he was a teen, having won multiple Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards, and is also on a Grammy Award-winning album.
“Laurie is a fantastic woman, mother and grandmother,” stated Cordery. “I am overjoyed with her support and kind endorsement. Laurie has put so much into her ʻohana and community and truly cares for the culture and the people of this great state. I will fight for her and all others who know Hawaiʻi’s greatest days are ahead of us.”
Laurie’s endorsement statement can be viewed below:
I rarely publicly endorse a candidate, but I feel it is so important to get the word out that Gary Cordery is the best candidate for Governor of our beloved Hawaiʻi. He has been graced with divine wisdom, which is very much needed in these times. Gary is a man of integrity, honesty, and compassion. He is a man that would stand for all people and give a listening ear to all issues.
Gary’s concept of putting Hawaiians on Homestead land permanently, rather than leasing, so that they may go to their grave peacefully with a legacy to leave behind, is phenomenal. Gary’s stance on this issue means more to me than I can put to words, especially since I am married to a pure Hawaiian and live in a Hawaiian Homestead community where we put our money, time and heart into maintaining and improving it.
Please vote Gary Cordery for Governor. You will not regret it. Mahalo!
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Vote for Gary Cordery for Governor 2022
Gary Cordery is a servant leader. Hawai’i needs a governor who is willing to fight for the people: someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.