On Lāna’i: The Heartbreak Felt and the Voices Heard

First stop, Lāna’i! As our first outer-island visit from O’ahu, coming to Lana’i perfectly represents our stand for the people of Hawaiʻi. Many on the small-but-mighty island are sorely exhausted; desperate for their voices to be heard and yet receive nothing but dismissal. If they suffer, we all suffer. The connection we share island to island across the chain must never be weakened, broken or severed. The reality of our state government serving those only who serve their own interests will end when Gary is governor.

The island of Lāna’i gave us the sweetest and yet the most heartbreaking picture of the life the local people live there. We sat down to hear out and listen to the hearts of some and we were met with the harsh reality of the life of control the island is living under. As we sat there, we listened as one woman detailed pulling her kids from school and her husband losing his union job because he wouldn’t receive the vaccine (even with religious exemption). And later we listened to another woman who revealed that she had never voted in her life. Never.

Do you blame her for not voting? Control over the island and its people to live freely disallows a yard sign to be placed in the ground or even photos to be taken on land owned by the majority landowner of the island (98% OF THE ISLAND!). As stories of their experiences continued, it was obvious that they were not alone. Nearly everyone around them is living in fear for their livelihoods. It’s easy to say to the one woman, “I don’t blame you for NOT voting! Living under such restrictions and power can lead and force people to lose hope.”

Gary is offering a huli of the system graced with tangible hope. Giving up on things as simple as voting has become the norm because the people of Lana’i have been systematically conditioned to believe that voting won’t help. The state of affairs; the state of dominance throughout the island is choking out her people and her people’s voice. After hearing Gary’s plan of action for governor, this brave woman left the meeting declaring, “I’m voting, I’m in.” She could see the possibility for change in Gary Cordery for Governor.

The hopelessness they feel, the heartbreak our team experienced listening to their stories, the accounts of how their lives are essentially controlled by someone else, is wrong. It’s time to do away with the same ‘ole, same ‘ole way of voting (or not voting at all) and fight for new leaders to stop the corruption at its roots. The hopelessness many have in Lana’i has no place in our state. Hawaiʻi, every single island of the chain, deserves prosperity and a hope for the future. Our keiki depend on it.

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Vote for Gary Cordery for Governor 2022

Gary Cordery is a servant leader.  Hawaiʻi needs a governor who is willing to fight for the people: someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.

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