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Aloha, my name is Gary Cordery and I am honored to announce that I’m running for Governor of Hawaiʻi. My heart for our beautiful community is anchored in liberty, truth, and honor. These principles will guide us with wisdom toward a vision of prosperity for the people.
I will restore trust between the public and its representatives by ending systemic political corruption. Through my commitment to transparency, common-sense solutions and policies will tangibly improve the lives in our communities across the islands.

The first to show up,
the last to leave
The first to show up,
the last to leave
someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.
someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.
Hawai’i needs a governor who is willing to fight for the people:
someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.
in family
in community
Since making Hawaiʻi home in 1982, Gary Cordery has steadfastly given his most valuable asset to others: his time. He has spent several years pastoring churches across the island, pouring into the keiki on the windward side in leading many youth groups and sports teams, and ministering to inmates at OCCC. He has counseled friends and neighbors, mentored and hired young men coming out of a local drug treatment center, as well as served on various non-profit boards of directors.
in local businesses
Since 1998, Gary Cordery has built a successful small business from the ground up in Kingdom Builders. His commitment toward excellence in his work has far-reaching benefits across the islands through the building of Hawaiʻi’s schools, churches, homes, and other small businesses. With Gary at the helm of Kingdom Builders, his leadership within his sphere of influence has inspired, and more importantly, built men and women up toward great responsibility and integrity.
in the fight
With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, Gary’s season of leadership expanded once again. Standing for truth, Gary became emboldened on the people’s behalf and began a non-profit organization as a means for the neighbors to his right and the neighbors to his left to live out their lives in peace, free from unethical regulation and medical mandates. He is ready to take his service from the private sector and rise into the public service of Hawaiʻi.
Vote for Gary Cordery for Governor 2022
Gary Cordery is a servant leader. Hawaiʻi needs a governor who is willing to fight for the people: someone who honors others first, pursues the truth, and protects the liberty of all.
how can i volunteer?
Upcoming Events

August 13, 2022
Election Night Celebration
970 Ahua Street Suite #2
Honolulu, HI 96819
- 6:00pm - 11:00pm
RSVP your potluck dish to Wendy Loh at:
(808) 429-8777 or jpaloha@hawaii.rr.com
August 6, 2022
Sign Waving - Honokai Hale
- 6:00am - 8:00am
August 6, 2022
The Aloha Conference: Nanakuli 2.0
Salvation Army Kroc Center Worship and Performing Arts Theater
91-3257 Kualakai Parkway, Ewa Beach
- 08:00am -12:30pm
Transform Our World Hawai’i hosts The Aloha Conference to catch simple, practical, powerful, reproducible, scalable, vision, blueprint and framework for building a transformational culture and community of Aloha!
Aloha Conference Speakers include:
Kelly Boy & Leolani DeLima: Kapena
Ami Akeo & Veavai Faapouli: Papahana ‘O Kaiona Alternative Learning Program
Tanya Tehotu: Kealahou West Oahu
LKinead (Mana) Olayan: God Forgives Bad Boys & Bad Girls
John L. Dudoit Jr.: Founding Director of Makana O Ke Akua
Honolulu Police Officers from District 8: Others & Getting Blessed Through Aloha
Representative Stacelynn Eli with Councilwoman Andria Tupola: Bringing Back Servanthood to Public Servants Through Aloha
Lori. Kahikina: Transforming “The Rail” Through ALOHA
JODIE Akau: Closed Down 5 Drug Houses Through ALOHA
Timmy and Iwalani McBrayer: Transformed by Aloha
Kina‘u Sofa: A Businessesman and a Business Powered by Aloha
Richard Malaki: Bringing Aloha into the Community in Tangible Ways
Annie Au Hoon: Aloha in Government Housing
Moses “Moke Boy” Kamealoha III: Aloha in Entertainment
August 5, 2022
Sign Waving - Waipahu
- 3:00pm - 4:00pm
August 5, 2022
Beth Isreal JMI/House of Israel with Dr. Daniel Jeshurun
- 7:00pm - 9:00pm
July 31, 2022
Zoom Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Debate
Moderated by Tony Silva of "Da Braddahs"
All 2022 Republican Gubernatorial Candidates
ZOOM LINK: bit.ly/republicandebatezoom
- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Tony Silva of “Da Braddahs”
All Republican candidates are invited to participate in this event.
Public viewers of the LIVE Zoom Debate will be able to
submit their own questions in Zoom’s Chat function.
Tony Silva will exclusively select and ask questions from this Chat Box within the
remaining given timeframe of the debate. Tony Silva will also ask questions submitted to him directly and exclusively by the Candidate Teams.
Jul 28, 2022
Zoom Meet and Greet with Focus Topic: Agriculture Industry & Diversifying Hawaiʻi's Economy
Zoom Link: Please register in advance for this meeting.
- 7:30pm - 8:45pm
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Jul 29, 2022
iHeartRadio 2022 Governorʻs Forum with Rick Hamada
- 7:00am - 9:00am
Friday morning, Rick Hamada of the Rick Hamada with Scotty B Show is hosting both Republican and Democrat Candidates for a Candidate Forum.
KHVH NewsRadio 830AM
July 25, 2022
Mililani Community Church Candidate Forum
6:60PM - 8:00PM
6:30 City Council District 8 Candidates
Charmaine Doran, Ron Menor, Val Aquino Okimoto, Keone Simon -
7:00 State Representative District 37 Candidates
Jamie Detweiler, Eric Sarrafian, Ryan Yamane -
7:30 State Senator District 17 Candidate
Anna Hudson - 7:40 5-minute Break
7:45 Gubernatorial Candidates
Gary Cordery, Richard Kim, Heidi Tsuneyoshi - 8:15 Meet and Greet with Candidates
You are welcome to invite your family and friends. They must RSVP to attend. Guests may register here.
July 27, 2022
Waiʻoli Kitchen & Bake Shop Fundraiser
2950 Manoa Road, Honolulu HI 96822
- 10:00AM - 12:30PM
June 25, 2022
Christian Coalition Pastors Breakfast
TIME: 8:30am – 9:30am
For all Candidates and Pastors
Must RSVP to Margaret (808) 216-7416
June 25, 2022
Kanikapila With Gary Cordery
TIME: 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Casual bring your own chair, beach mat, towel.
$25 advanced registration (keiki under 10 no charge)